Chess Boxes
Chess Boxes might mean many things - for example folding boxboards, cassettes with a chessboard lid - or simply boxes chess pieces are kept in. In this last sense, older chess pieces over time land in the most varied containers - and this to me is interesting. Collecting boxes is a wellfledged hobby on its own - boxes are not essential to chess, obviously, but - an intriguing side rail all the same....
Delicate box, finely laquered in yelow, showing peonies - must be from Japan!
Slidetop box
Standard slidetop box, end 19th C - but with a diference - the slide cover moves sideways, no longitudinal! Swallowtail jointures, which is why the box is still around...
Miniature box
Tiny box, measuring 65 x 47 x 33 mm! One single swallowtail joint - still around from the 19th C. contains a chinese pocket set, so probably made in China.