Hulloa and welcome to my collectors site - if You feel like leaving an entry please do so below. Thank You - and all the best with Your collection!
Paul Bell
1/14/2009 06:40:54 am
My wife and I would like to express our best wishes to you, Nicholas, and to congratulate you on your website. For any existing or potential new collector, it will both inform and inspire.
1/31/2009 05:14:11 am
Sag, ...träumst Du manchmal auch von Schachfiguren?
1/31/2009 05:17:27 am
Complimenti!!! Mai visto un assortimento simile di figure di scacchi. Un gran lavoro utile per gli amanti e collezionisti!
2/2/2009 04:49:53 pm
Olá Lanier!
Jorge Gomes
2/3/2009 12:18:08 am
Grande ideia Nicolas, GOSTEI
2/5/2009 08:07:54 pm
Great idea! Great passion! Great man!
floyd sarisohn
2/5/2009 10:59:53 pm
A wonderful site for chess collectors of ALL kinds. I will spread the word to CCI members and all other collectors I know. Floyd Sarisohn [email protected]
Mike Wiltshire
2/7/2009 08:50:14 pm
A fantastic site by a passionate collector who loves the game of chess. I was privileged to meet him in Gibraltar last week.
Alan Dewey
2/8/2009 12:16:16 am
Great work, The CCI should have done this years ago.
mike ladzinski
2/8/2009 10:25:18 am
Dear Mr. Lanier:
Gianfelice Ferlito
2/12/2009 09:11:51 pm
Thanks for your initiative which is very usefull to all chess collectors,historians of the game,etc.I appreciate your comments on our Italian-CCI web site which has also an open database on chess literature and many chess references.I have circulated your web address to all our cci Italian members and to out TCC Editor-Jim Joannou.Best wishes for the future.
2/19/2009 02:45:33 am
Dear Mr Lanier,
3/30/2009 01:27:51 pm
Very nice site! A pleasure to peruse!
3/30/2009 03:06:30 pm
One more thing -- Great Links page! I could spend a few months just clicking around on those sites. Thanks for pulling them together. I'm especially interested in what informed people are thinking about the origins of chess -- the theories and evidence that has accumulated since Murray. I've got a lot of reading to do. Thanks for pointing the way.
Добро пожаловать на сайт Компьютерных Гладиаторов- ! У нас вы можете скачать базы партий playchess в формате cbv, дебютные книги в формате ctg, можете обсудить с нами всё, что касается шахмат, компьютеров и компьютерных шахмат, можете сыграть с нами в шахматы.
carol bampton
11/26/2009 02:44:36 am
1/26/2010 10:35:02 pm
Very unique and interesting chess website, keep up the great work.
Unter "Essays and Notes" versteckt sich eine großartige Abhandlung zu der Frage, ob Schachsätze aus Plastik sammelwürdig sind. Die sollte in der Rubrik "Plastic chess sets" angefügt werden, da dort ein fundiertes Wissen über Material und Herstellung vermittelt wird. Insgesamt ist die Website ein lebendiges Schachmuseum in Wort und Bild, das ständig mit Erweiterungen überrascht. Hut ab.
Bill Lew
2/28/2010 03:25:26 pm
Beautiful website. I especially
Robert E. Stoller
8/15/2010 02:23:34 pm
Dear Mr. Lanier,
Ondrej MARKO
10/1/2010 11:42:50 pm
Hallo !
Guy Lyons
10/5/2010 02:07:13 am
Quite simply the best all round site for chess collectors there is.
12/31/2010 05:23:43 am
I really enjoyed your site. Please keep up the good work. I didn't see it (perhaps I overlooked it), but I would like to see a page devoted to the sets coming out of India.
Bruce Rodgers
7/13/2011 04:28:05 am
Many thanks, for a quality site for others to look up to and fantastic Links.
Pierre Ruiz-Vidal
10/27/2011 07:15:04 pm
Je suis émerveillé de découvrir aujourd'hui ce travail sensationnel, ce trésor devrais-je dire !
12/18/2011 09:37:00 pm
Nice display of pieces - I particularly enjoyed the regency styles In fact I'd love to show some reproductions of them in my store.
Salvador Juanpere Aguiló
10/3/2012 04:42:21 am
Craig Thomson
3/20/2013 06:56:45 am
Thanks: really enjoyed reading this. Captures a lot of what chess is / was. More to an article about an old Vienna factory than why Carlsen can win drawn positions ? Perhaps, but thanks anyway, and all the best.
7/29/2013 01:01:48 am
Congratulations on an excellent, well informed and deeply interesting site.
Larry Shryock Stillwater, Oklahoma USA
1/12/2014 02:56:44 am
2/9/2014 03:49:40 am
Dear sir, thank you for such an informative site! I had a question that I was hoping I could ask by email. is there an address I could use?the one I tried didn't work..thank you! all the best
6/22/2014 05:53:14 am
A wonderful website! A chess player for ages, I appreciate all the valuable information here for the starting collector.
Piers Lawrence
7/24/2014 06:36:26 pm
Brilliant site...loved it.
David Millet
9/27/2014 07:08:27 am
Informative web site! I'm looking to replace a missing board for an Anri Montsalvat half gold set that I inherited. My guess is that it is c1960-1980 and the king has a 2 1/4" diameter base and is 6 7/8" high. What size square is appropriate for the 2 1/4" base?
10/2/2014 07:59:23 am
HI, ANRI boards were / aee simple well-made veneer boards, nothing unusual about them. Any board will do, You can use the rule that 4 pawns shd fit onto one square. Or if You prefer the set more bunched, for show purposes, a bit smaller than that. Cheers
11/28/2015 07:58:28 am
I want to mention another chess set designed by swiss IM Henry Grob. The pieces look great! Grob was also an artisan. A picture of his modern chess set can be found in his book "Die Eröffnungen in der Schachpartie unter Anwendung des Kampfplanes" on page 110. I will try to find a scanner and load the picture.
Marcel Herbst
10/6/2016 06:39:28 am
Could you supply me with a photo of page 110? I recently bought "Die Eröffnungen", and in my copy there was no photo of this chess set. I look for some time for this beautiful set (which I had used in my youth).
10/6/2016 08:06:28 am
You can find the photograf here:
11/29/2015 11:39:26 am
I enjoy your site as a small time collector and a wood turner who makes chess sets. Thank you. Eric
7/18/2016 09:33:33 am
Follow up.. in fact we could really do with one of these in the UK
Cliff Graham II
11/13/2016 07:11:17 am
Really enjoy your site. I'll be back.
Dear sir Nicholas R. Lanier ! Some great and useful job you did! Great site! So many collections from different countries! But there is no chess from Belarus .Please go to the website and if you like our collector's chess,write to us. With respect and gratitude, -- Leonid Golovko
11/30/2016 04:15:19 pm
I have not been in Russia or Belarus but I heard that they have chess magazines even in trains. They must be chess crazy! When I was young - somewhere in the 70s, we bought chess books from eastern germany, who sold the sowiet chess books translated to German. Mr. Lanier, you should check this out!
12/1/2016 04:31:59 pm
Hello, chess in Russia (in fact, the former SU) is regarded as a serious occupation, and highly respected. Chess mags in trains would not be surprising, except there are few magazines left ( 64 mag?) . The Fiskultura connection to the GDR Sportsverlag is well known ...Cheers
12/1/2016 09:58:51 pm
I am trying to find info on a game we have found. It is a vest pocket board game. It is black leather outside and when unfolded the inside is a brown leather. It has slots for the pieces for storage and slots for playing. It is flat and the board folds and fits into a black leather fabric lined wallet with a horse head on it. I have found only a couple of pictures of ones that look like it. Any info would be helpful, Thanks, Susan
12/2/2016 02:40:09 am
Hi, you should start with an internet search, for example"flat+pieces". By improving your search you could find what you have in mind.
HI, from wht You describe this is a pocket set for analysing, mainly correspondence games. Very handy siting in a train, plane or slow lane(:-- Remember fromerly folks did not have a led-euqipped smart phone to show up diagrams of ches positions...there is one shown in the Museum under Travel Set as Leather CC Board...
12/2/2016 06:34:42 am
Thank you and sorry for going to wrong spot.
Francesco Sinibaldi
8/1/2017 12:53:55 pm
The sign of that singing.
Francesco Sinibaldi
8/1/2017 12:55:27 pm
Le chant des âmes désolées.
12/5/2017 04:40:30 pm
Thanks to your website, I was able to identify my Philippine Staunton set I purchased back in the 70s. While I was in the Navy, my ship stopped in the Philippines where I purchased a rather large set. I recently got it out of storage and started researching its origin. Low and behold, an exact match to what you show on line here. The set is marvelous and I have never seen another one like it. I think I spent $20 USD at the time to acquire it from a small shop. I'm still looking for a suitable storage box for it as the King is nearly 5" tall.
Hello Harry, good to hear that. For storing prized chess pieces - 20.- USD indeed, but the dollar had a much higher relative value in those days! - one practical option is to buy a used leather document suitcase - fe on ebay or in an estate sale - get some foam rubber, and stuff the inside with this , cutting out sutiable shapes for the pices. This can be dolled up by gluing some tissue or cloth over the whole thing. Good moves always, take care
4/10/2019 01:12:55 pm
The guestbook reveals what great esteem this site rightly deserves in the world of chess collectors. I would like to join the ranks of well-known collectors and congratulate you on this wonderful site. Whenever I am looking for information about one of my new acquisitions, this page is my first point of contact. If there is no information here, I know it will be hard. So again, congratulations! I will continue to drop by again and again.
Ben Smith
4/2/2023 10:53:53 pm
Sehr interesant!
12/9/2023 07:25:13 am
Great site, and congratulations on your great collection!
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